To all of those that I've met, be it a furry friend or a human friend, thank you for coming into my life and know that I'll never forget. To those that I loved,I'll always love. To those that I miss,some ever so much and never see,know that I think of you often.Finally to those that are now a part of my life,thank you for coming into my life. As a dear friend use to say,these are my memories and no one can take them away. I'm so very thankful for all the memories each of you have given me.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

The best of Friends

All through my life I've met many people. I've met good people, bad people, mean people, shy people, happy people, sad people, honest people, dishonest people, funny people, boring people, and goodhearted people. Even though all of these types of people are totally different each has their good points and bad points...and I must say, I really like them all. I love many and have a very special place in my heart for a few. Out of sight does not mean out of mind. I'll always love those that I loved and miss those that I no longer see...but always know, my heart holds many fond memories and a kinship that I'll cherish for the rest of my life. If I was blessed enough to have you in my life, know that I'll never forget you. Know that if ever you need a friend that I'll be there, as I know you would do the same for me.

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