
To all of those that I've met, be it a furry friend or a human friend, thank you for coming into my life and know that I'll never forget. To those that I loved,I'll always love. To those that I miss,some ever so much and never see,know that I think of you often.Finally to those that are now a part of my life,thank you for coming into my life. As a dear friend use to say,these are my memories and no one can take them away. I'm so very thankful for all the memories each of you have given me.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Can you see it?

OK, this was a man thing for sure. Jason had to have drank a case of beer to do this. He was so proud of writing his name on this wall of stone that we had to document it. (something he could share with his future
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Paula's 30th

Oh to be this age again. These kids are killing me. But it's nice that they like to hang out with us.
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Ut Oh John

Never ever, ever, ever fall asleep at Paula's party. Yep, you guessed it. Stephanie was the one doing the damage. John finally woke up and was a really good sport. His nails even got done.
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Wednesday, January 10, 2007

At the Lake

There was about 20 of us at this party. Paula's parents, Karen and Paul, own several cabins in KY. Once a year on Paula's birthday weekend we all head to KY and have the time of our life.
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Fred and Paula

Fred is Paula's brother Inlaw. He loves to cook, and we love to let him. Him and Sid are two peas in a pod. This is at the cabin at the lake.
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Good clean fun

Nothing like taking a dip at midnight. On a hot night it feels great!
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New Years Eve

Meet Tom and Sissy. Two very cool people.
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